Davide Foschi

Dr. Davide Foschi graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 2004 at the University of Bologna, in 2008 he obtained his Federal Diploma in “Médecine-Dentaire” at University of Geneva, becoming passionate about the teachings received in the department of Restorative Dentistry led by Prof. Ivo Krejci and about the fixed prosthesis department headed by Prof. Urs Belser, where he met Dr. Francesca Vailati with whom he begun to collaborate in the management of patients suffering from serious erosive problems through full-mouth adhesive rehabilitation techniques. Back to Italy he carries out professional activity in his private practice in Bologna and since 2016 he has been Professor at several Masters in Conservative Dentistry for main European Universities.
Speed Up Therapy – Full Mouth Rehab and Aligners, Good Function makes better organs!
Integrated Prosthetic Orthodontic Approach Using Additive Techniques and Aligners . The materials available today allow for non invasive rehabilitation of dentitions affected by severe aesthetic deficiencies and wear through the use of partial restorations, restoring and enhancing both function and aesthetics. The modification of the Vertical Dimension of Occlusion (VDO) is a winning strategy to recover functional space, enabling minimally invasive rehabilitations. Orthodontic preparation is often beneficial, and the use of aligners makes this approach predictable and comfortable. A preliminary setup provides both the clinician and the patient with an intuitive and comprehensible visualization of the comprehensible visualization of the expected final outcome.expected final outcome.
The newly proposed method integrates the The newly proposed method integrates the setup with the mocksetup with the mock–up technique, up technique, simulating the aesthetic components of the simulating the aesthetic components of the planned restoration in all its details, planned restoration in all its details, thereby demonstrating the clinical thereby demonstrating the clinical predictability and reliability of the predictability and reliability of the procedure.procedure. The visualization of treatment objectives is The visualization of treatment objectives is a crucial support for the clinician and offers a crucial support for the clinician and offers the patient the opportunity to experience the patient the opportunity to experience an immediate improvement, facilitating an immediate improvement, facilitating their acceptance of a treatment plan that their acceptance of a treatment plan that includes an orthodontic phase. While this includes an orthodontic phase. While this phase may extend the duration of phase may extend the duration of treatment, it allows for a more conservative treatment, it allows for a more conservative implementation of the rehabilitation implementation of the rehabilitation. Cause a good function makes better organs!