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Rudeška cesta 234, Zagreb, HR
Phone: +385 98 9278 635

Maja Chmielewska

Maja Chmielewska is a private practitioner, with the focus on digital protocols in implant dentistry, education, and practice management.

She graduated from the Medical University of Warsaw, spent a year in CAD/CAM material research and as a teaching assistant in Los Angeles and acquired her masters’ degree in implantology and periodontology from DTMD University in Luxemburg.

Dr Maja has been actively involved in education, lecturing in more than 25 countries, and participating in multiple online education events. She is a co-author of of the “Guided Surgery” book and an ITI Fellow. She co-leads the Young ITI Study Club in Poland.

Patient care and a caring mindset in digital workflows

Digital workflows are helpful tools for both planning and delivering the treatment. There are many ways how technology helps us to be more efficient and to lower the overall costs of treatment. In that realm of tools, toys, investments, and profit margins… is the Patient in the picture? Are we tailoring the protocol for the Patient, or the Patient to our protocol? How to understand the digital tools, and increase the quality of treatment with validated solutions? Let’s re-centre on the Patients and provide them with quality care.