Marat Awdaljan

Marat Awdaljan is a dental ceramist with passion to mimic nature. Born in Tbilisi, Georgia, in 1988 to Armenian parents, Marat moved to the Netherlands with his family in 1993, where he grew up. He completed his training at the Dental Technology school in 2010, receiving the best thesis award for his thesis on psychology in dental technology, entitled “Key to the future.” At the age of 21, Marat was awarded the title of Master Dental Technician and began working at the dental laboratory “Natuurlijk! Tandtechniek” in Veenendaal. In 2012, he accomplished his training as a Clinical Dental Technician, and one year later, he became the manager and co-owner of the laboratory where he remained until 2020. During this period, Marat was traveling worldwide to meet the Masters in Dentistry to broaden his knowledge and find answers to all the questions and problems in the dental field. The Interviews he did with the Masters are still published in Labline Magazine. In 2019, Marat created MATISSE software, the shade matching software. His innovative solution has helped countless dentists and dental technicians achieve accurate and consistent results for patients. As Matisse progresses, Marat gives lectures and single central live-patient courses worldwide, sharing his expertise and experience with other dental professionals. Marat’s dedication to his craft and his commitment to sharing his knowledge have made him a respected and sought-after dental ceramist
Color Matching Accuracy In Dentistry: Standardized protocol and Artificial intelligence approach
In esthetic dentistry, the main goal is to create beautiful and natural-looking teeth by getting the shape and color right. Even though there have been many advancements in dental materials and digital tools, matching the color of teeth is still a big challenge. Right now, dentists and dental technicians mostly rely on their own experience and judgment to pick the right materials to match the right color. Current methods are not standardized, leading to inconsistent results and poor communication about color between dentists and technicians. In this lecture, we will explore the challenges of color matching and provide clear solutions to eliminate remakes and mismatches. You will be equipped with a standardized, step-by-step protocol to replicate any tooth color with predictability. We will also delve into the importance of digital color communication between dentists and dental technicians. Additionally, we will demonstrate the power of artificial intelligence technology to stain full monolithic and micro layering crowns with accurate and predictable outcomes. Get ready to master the art of color matching in dentistry with the Matisse iOS app/Software and Optishade colorimeter.
MASTERCLASS: The Matisse Challenge: Matching Live 12 natural teeth. Using two techniques: full layering and full monolithic.
Ovaj intenzivni tečaj donosi revolucionarni pristup usklađivanju boja u dentalnoj medicini. Polaznici će imati priliku replicirati prirodne zube drugih sudionika, koristeći najnoviju Matisse.AI tehnologiju i Optishade sustav.
Program uključuje:
• Analizu 8 izazovnih faktora u usklađivanju boja
• Praktičan rad s Optishade sustavom
• Korištenje DSLR fotografije za preciznu analizu
• Rad s Matisse softverom za generiranje receptura
• Praktične vježbe bojanja monolitnih restauracija
• Tehnike završne obrade i poliranja
Svi rezultati se analiziraju na velikom ekranu, omogućujući polaznicima učenje iz uspjeha i pogrešaka kolega. Ovo je jedinstvena prilika za usavršavanje vještina u području dentalne estetike uz najsuvremeniju tehnologiju.